Trustee Toolkit 1 & 2

The FSCA launched its revamped Trustee Toolkit (TTK) in September 2023. This launch made the first phase of 11 modules available, the second phase is now online comprising of the next 11 modules.
The TTK is an e-learning programme that has been developed to provide board members of retirement funds (trustees) with a better understanding of their roles and to assist them in performing their fiduciary duties more effectively and efficiently.
Section 7A(3) of the Pension Funds Act requires board members of retirement funds to attain prescribed levels of skills and training within six months after being appointed or elected and to retain such prescribed levels throughout their term of appointment.
Conduct Standard 4 of 2020 (CS4) prescribes the minimum skills and training requirements for board members of retirement funds. It also prescribes the TTK as the official minimum training requirement for all trustees of retirement funds. In accordance with the conduct standard, a board member must attain the certification of the TTK within six months from the date of appointment or election to the board.
The FSCA have further clarified that the new TTK will need to be completed by all trustees even if trustees have already completed the old TTK as the new TTK is more detailed and comprehensive and seeks to better equip trustees in exercising their fiduciary duties.
How we can help you?
We have developed an informative and practical trustee training course that assists board members with the preparation required to complete the new Trustee Toolkit requirements. We further facilitate and guide the board members in completing their individual online summative and modular assessments.
The course will take approximately 8 hours of learning time to complete, including assessments and exercises.
Syllabus - Trustee Toolkit 1 & 2
What you earn

Lead facilitator
Nicola Burger
Nicola has been working in the employee benefits market since 2000. Before specializing in the trustee training arena, Nicola worked as an employee benefit consultant, consulting to boards of trustees on all their fiduciary and investment duties – later moving to purely to consulting on investment strategy.
Course fees

All costs are per learner and exclusive of VAT. Bulk discounts are available for groups of 5 or more.
There is an assessment following each module and a final summative assessment will need to be completed.